21k and some Wild Turkeys

That was wild turkeys, not Wild Turkey. 😉


I managed to talk myself, kilometer by kilometer through my 21k today. Again by the time I was done I couldn’t run another step, but I’m that much closer to 30k. Starting to feel a little less like I won’t make it. Although, when I reached 15k today I got a little mopey when I realized that was only halfway through the race distance.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day here. A day that makes me think that summer actually might come after all. It was about 3C while I was running and so sunny that I got a tan. (forgot my sunscreen) Around 5k into my run, I saw a few wild turkeys in a green space by my house – that’s a little rare. Look really hard, they’re there.


I also took a picture of how I looked when I finished today – I felt horrible. I’m not showing you the picture.  I want to do one more long run, a 25k, before the Around the Bay 30k.  I had planned to do it this coming Saturday, but Mandy has pointed out to me that I have run a lot over the last few days and I need some recovery time. So I am taking her advice and I will attempt my 25k on Tuesday. I am also going to try and fit in a little cross-training on Piratebobcat’s advice. I often forget about how important that is.

One of the things that keep me going through a long run is thinking about the delicious burger I’m going to have when I’m done. What’s your favorite post run treat?


– Jackie-

Mid-Month Plank Update: Ouch it hurts

It’s day 15 of our 30 day Plank Challenge. So far I’m not dreading my daily plank, however, we are only at 90 seconds and tomorrow it jumps to 120 seconds. The increases start getting a lot bigger as the month goes on and I’m still wondering how I could possibly get up 300 seconds (a five minute plank, really?).

30 Day Plank Challenge Fitness Workout Chart


Are you doing a challenge this month? How is your challenge going, and what is your favorite 30 day challenge?


Out with December and in with a Plank-Filled January

Mandy and I challenged ourselves to a “Run Every Day through December Challenge” to keep ourselves motivated through the end of the year. Although our challenge didn’t end as well as we had hoped, it was still a success. Normally Mandy and I don’t run much, if at all, in December, but we both managed to get our longest streak of 15 days in a row.

Unfortunately I pulled a calf muscle running uphill in the snow in Vermont and I’ll be taking a few weeks off from running to heal. I don’t want to slack off in January though, so Mandy suggested that I work on core and arm strengthening. Based on her suggestion, I have decided to start the new month and the new year off well, so we are doing the 30 day Plank Challenge.

Want to join us?

30 Day Plank Challenge Fitness Workout Chart


Jackie – My recap for the last week of our challenge:

Tuesday, December 24- 3.5 – Thought I felt better but my leg hurts after the run

Friday, December 27 – 5k – Now I’m sure I have an injury

Monday, December 30th – 3.6k walk  (I hate walking, walking is boring)

Monthly total – 65.7km – not what I had hoped for, but a lot better than the 28k I did last December

How did your month end Mandy?

-Jackie- Jackie

Mandy’s Recap:

After a big, family brunch at our house, after every one went home, I was feeling kind of bored and full of “bad for me” food, so I went for a 5.5km run.  It was just as the sun was setting and it was snowing lightly.  It was the type of snow that is so fine that it looks like sparkles when the street lights shine through it.  I was happy to get out and burn off some of the delicious food from the morning.

My husband and I had most of the week off from work, but that was the only run for me.  We spent the time relaxing around the house, visiting family, watching movies, and generally being lazy.

Like Jackie said, the month started off great, but it went downhill for the last half.  I’m still glad we tried this challenge, because it got me out the door a few more times than I would have normally.  It was an interesting way to jump into winter running for the season.  I’ll probably give it another shot at some point in the next few months.

Mandy’s monthly total: 57km

Today, Jackie and I ran the Resolution Run (a charity, fun run put on by the Running Room) with our sister-in-law, Melissa, and our friends, Tiffany and Tyler.  We’ll post more about it tomorrow.  After the run, we spent the afternoon eating, and as it usually goes, talking about running.  Since Jackie is nursing her calf injury this month, all of us committed to doing the Plank Challenge.  My core strength has been neglected the last few months, so this challenge is very much needed!  I’m looking forward to it.  If you want to join us, make sure you plank for 20 seconds tonight!  (Or if the day is already over for you, fit in two tomorrow.)

-Mandy- DSC_0815_3 2

On another note, the giveaway for the 2014 Runner’s World Daily Calendar has come to a close!  Congratulations to Courtney who followed us on Twitter to win the calendar.  Thanks so much to everyone who entered!

Week 2 of the 31 Day run through December Challenge – recap


Jackie: I spent the week at Smuggler’s Notch Resort in Vermont so it was a little challenging to get this week of our 31 Day Run Through December Challenge done and I’m being a little creative with my runs.  That’s allowed on holiday right? I’m taking a little comfort in the fact that even though my mileage was low – 15.6km, I got 482m of elevation. Vermont has some big hills!


Monday – 2k outside our suite at Smuggler’s Notch resort – 59m of elevation

Tuesday – 3k up Mountain Road – 122m of elevation (pretty impressive elevation for an out and back)

Wednesday – 4.2k hike up Mountain road to Smuggler’s Notch 153m of elevation (I actually did this Tuesday after my run – but I figure a hike like that can be carried over to another day 😉 )

Thursday – 2k up Mountain road – 61m of elevation (all the holiday eating is getting to me at this point)

Friday – 1.4km downhill run (took the shuttle back to our room – in my defense the weather was bad and it was super slippery…)

Saturday – 3k run up Mountain road – 87m of elevation – we were aiming for the top but the -18°C forced us to turn back. I had icy eyelashes I couldn’t see through and my running buddy only wore one pair of running tights and frostbite was a very real concern. Next year we’re running all the way to the top!

Sunday – after a scary 10 hour drive from Vermont home to Southern Ontario, I spent an hour shoveling the driveway. Does that count…because I’m counting it. 🙂


My friend Cathy and I after our -18°C (about zero F) a surprisingly good picture considering how frozen our faces were.

Monthly total so far: 43.9km

– Jackie – Jackie

Mandy:  I can’t believe that this month is already half over.  This week was full of short, slow runs for me.  The weather in Southern Ontario has been snow, snow, and more snow!  As much as I’ve wanted to take a day off when I’m nesting on the couch, it’s been really nice getting outside to enjoy the weather.  Shoveling is much more enjoyable when you think of it as a cool down to your run!

I didn’t get out for any long runs, because after a few kilometers, my ankles and calves were burning from slipping around in the snow.  Today, I bought myself some spikes to help with traction, so we’ll see if that help me out next week.



Day 9 – 3.5km

Day 10 – 1.7km

Day 11 – 2km

Day 12 – 4km

Day 13 – 1.9km

Day 14- 5.0km

Day 15 – 2.0km

Weekly total: 20.1km

Total for the month: 15 days / 47km

-Mandy- DSC_0815_3 2

Day 1 of the 31 Day Challenge (run every day in December)

Back in November, I challenged myself to a 31 Day Run Through December Challenge. My goal is to make it to January and start training for my spring races in the same condition I ended my last running season – without losing the progress I’ve made. So far, I’ve already benefited from setting the goal. Usually in November I don’t run at all, but this time I managed to get 86km logged. Instead of hiding from the cold in December, my plan this time is to go to the other extreme. I’m running every day of the month. Usually 5, 8, and 10k runs, but on bad weather or tired days, the minimum distance being 1 mile (1.6k). Continue Reading