Check In: Half way through my C25K


After a break from running, I’ve finally gotten back into a regular routine by using a couch to 5k app on my phone.  This week I finished week four, and I’m now officially half way through it!

For the most part, I’ve been enjoying the program.  Running is definitely not as easy or enjoyable as it used to be for me, so having a simple structured schedule to follow has been helping me to get motivated.  The first couple of weeks it was a struggle to get myself out the door, but I’m starting to look forward to getting out for my run.  I usually go in the evening, once my little babe is down for the night, and it’s a great way to relax and end the day.

Last night, I met up with my sister-in-law, Tabitha for my run.  Tabitha is also doing the C25K program.  When I was getting groceries earlier this week, I drove down a street lined with blossoming crab apple trees, and I kind of obsessed about how beautiful it was.  We both have been running the same boring routes over and over again close to home, so we decided to drive to this neighborhood for our run.  It was worth it.  It even smelled great!


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7 thoughts on “Check In: Half way through my C25K

  1. Congrats. What app are you using?

  2. The pictures turned out so great!

  3. What a beautiful route! Great job on reaching the halfway point in your program. Awesome!

  4. It’s so hard to get back into running after a break! Keep at it! Those easy runs aren’t far away.

  5. Not an easy thing to get back into running after a break, well done on being halfway through the program.

  6. I did something similar last month after taking a break for a few months. Having a structured challenge like that can really help with getting back into the habit. I’m now back enjoying my running again, after finding it difficult for a while. Good luck with the next four weeks 🙂

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