Days 2 to 8: 31 Day Challenge Racap

Mandy:   My running streak is on Day 8, already the longest I’ve ever run without taking a day off.  This week has been a challenge, but I’m definitely enjoying it so far.  It’s been a busy week, so I’ve had to fit in my “mini runs” where I can.  These mostly have consisted of my husband walking our Saint Bernard late at night, while I run up and down the street around them.


Day 2 – 6.5km – This was a fun run in the afternoon.  I didn’t have a set distance in mind.  I just ran until I ended up back at home.  I wanted to take it easy, because I felt tired and sore right from the beginning.  My neighborhood is pretty flat, so you really have to seek out hills.  I recently discovered a crescent nearby that has a good hill so I ran up that twice.

Day 3 – 2km – I wasn’t home until really late on Tuesday, so my husband and doggie came with me to keep me safe.  My dog isn’t a runner, so they walked and I ran circles around them.


Greta watching me run.

Day 4 – 2km – After work, I had a manicure booked with my sister-in-law, Steph.  She knew that I had to go for a run, so she asked if we could go together before our appointment.  What’s better than a manicure and a run with your sister?  I had to borrow a pair of her shoes and jogging pants, but it was a lot of fun.  Steph hasn’t run in years, and she did great!  Maybe this will have to become a weekly tradition.

Day 5 – 2.6km – This was the toughest day for me.  31 days seemed like a reeeeaaallly long time.  We had some yard work to do, so again, it was late before I could get out for my run.  I got myself all dressed, and stood with my head against the front door before I could convince myself to get outside.  Of course, I was happy once I got out.

Day 6 – 2.1km – Once again, another busy day, late night, short run.

Day 7 – 5.2km – On Saturday afternoon, I finally got out while it was still light out.  My goal for the day was to not look at my watch, but to keep a steady pace.  I think I did a pretty good job.  I was able to keep all my splits within 20 seconds of each other.

Day 8 – 1.6km – I had planned on running a 10k in the morning, but honestly, I was lazy and enjoying my bed too much.  So, after going out for dinner with friends, I went for another evening run.  This ended up being one of the weirdest runs I’ve ever been on, but I’ll save the story for another time!

Weekly total: 22km

Total for the month: 8 days / 26.9km

My goals for next week are to get out earlier in the day, to run a bit longer each day, and to fit in a 10k at some point.

-Mandy- DSC_0815_3 2

Jackie:   This is officially my longest running streak ever at 9 days (because I ran on November 30th). I finished this first week with a short run in Vermont. We drove 8 hours through the night and arrived in Vermont at 7am.  (It just works best when you have 3 boys to drive when they’re sleeping) After having some breakfast we decided to drive around Burlington. We stopped by a park for a little walk and a running group went by. Well, long story short, I ended up digging my running clothes out of the back of the truck, changing in the front seat (brrrr) and going for a 1 mile run through the park. I wanted to go farther but I had forgotten to charge my Garmin and I didn’t want it to die on me. So I’m glad I started this challenge because that’s an experience I wouldn’t have had – and there’s nothing like a brisk morning run to wake you up after 8 hours of driving!



Day 2 – 5.5k – focused on elevation – 104 meters

Day 3 – 5.5k

Day 4 – 3k

Day 5 – 6.5k

Day 6 – 3k – quick run in the dark, couldn’t see watch

Day 7 – 1 mile

Day 8 – 1 mile after arriving in Vermont

Total for this month: 8 days – 30.3k

So the first week went well. I’m feeling good about running every day and I’m hoping in the coming week to have some longer runs – and to conquer some hills in Vermont. Hopefully, I’ll have some pictures to share.

– Jackie – Jackie

How is your running in December going?

One thought on “Days 2 to 8: 31 Day Challenge Racap

  1. Well done on the running streaks ladies 🙂 December has it’s challenges with so many Christmas parties! I’ve never tried a running streak, might build this into my 2014 goals. Stay warm, it looks very cold over there.

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